Recycle, reuse, and reclaim your calm
Ready to learn how to build and launch practical content reuse and optimization projects that make the most of every piece of content?
Discover the importance of automated reports highlighting published content worthy of your attention. Use that information to fix what’s not working and improve content with high potential.
You will walk out of the room with a list of content optimization and reuse tactics, from simple practices like migrating PDFs to organic-friendly formats to advanced techniques like content scoring and iterative SEO. Reclaim your sanity in a sea of competing content projects by grounding your work in data and the principles of continuous improvement.
In this session, you will learn how to:
- Create a simple content-scoring model that ties organic goals to conversion and revenue.
- Build a content optimization and reuse practice with existing resources.
- Help your teams do advanced content optimization and reuse, such as conversion rate optimization, rapid organic content creation using existing assets, and organization-wide content governance.